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Nightstop is a service running in Aberdeen that provides a safe place for a young person aged 16 – 25 to stay for a few nights within a Host’s home.  

Nightstop is run successfully throughout the UK providing early intervention support for young people and Aberdeen Foyer provides the service in North East Scotland. 

“The young people that we support through the Nightstop Network are often going through a difficult time at home, with 75% of our referrals being due to a family breakdown. 

The difference that respite, mediation and guidance can make to a young person’s life is huge. We provide young people with wraparound support at Aberdeen Foyer.  

If you can offer a short stay, you could be part of the young person’s journey, becoming a Nightstop Host really can change a young person’s life.” 

 Laura Mingo
Aberdeen Foyer’s Nightstop Coordinator



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"Giving a young person your time, care and attention at crucial crossroads in their life might just be enough to secure them on the right path.  What could be more effective than that approach at that stage, for both them and our wider society.  That's what Nightstop is all about and that is why I am so excited to start hosting.  

I feel well prepared by the whole recruitment and training process, and Megan's insight, experience and professionalism is very reassuring for a new host.  I can't wait to get started!"

Host, Aberdeen 

If you're a young person in Aberdeen who's worried about where you'll stay tonight, Nightstop could be right for you. Contact Nightstop on 01224 562863.