Have a Merry, Restful Christmas!

22 Dec 2023
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Among the hustle and bustle of the festive seasons, it is crucial to remember the importance of self-care and prioritise your wellbeing. The holidays can sometimes bring a flurry of expectations and obligations, but we urge you to embrace this time with a focus on your own happiness and peace of mind. 

It is okay to set boundaries and not let external pressures dictate your celebrations. Your mental and emotional wellbeing should be your top priority. Remember, the true essence of Christmas lies in moments of joy, love, and connection, not in striving for unattainable perfection. 

Allow yourself the grace to enjoy the simple pleasures, to savour moments with loved ones, and to find delight in the small gestures of kindness. Embrace the imperfections and relish in the beauty of authenticity.  

Here are a few gentle reminders to carry you through this season: 

  • Prioritise self-care – take time for yourself amidst the festivities. Rest, relax and engage in activities that bring you joy 

  • Set boundaries – don’t be afraid to say no to commitments that may overwhelm you. Your wellbeing matters most. 

  • Embrace imperfections – the magic of the holidays lies in the imperfect moments. Cherish them as memories in the making 

  • Focus on Joy – Seek joy in the little things and cherish the laughter 

  • Spread kindness – share the spirit of giving by offering kindness and support to others. Your actions can brighten someone else’s holidays. 


Wishing you a peaceful holiday season! 


Martyna Lambon - Educational Psychologist

& the rest of Aberdeen Foyer staff